Andy Timmons style guitar presets Fractal FM3 FM9 Axe-Fx III Liveplayrock

Andy Timmons style guitar presets Fractal FM3 FM9 Axe-Fx III Liveplayrock

Andy Timmons style | Fractal Audio System | FM3 FM9 and Axe-Fx3 Liveplayrock Special tones designed by Alessandro Zilio

"Here's a selection of tones inspired by the mighty Andy Timmons and some of his most known tunes, dynamic crunch, delicate clean, and expressive leads are the keywords for this pack." (A.Zilio)

video demo and download here



  • Custom preset tones designed by Alessandro Zilio

    Here's a quick rundown of the 8 scenes:

    Scene 1 - Electric Gipsy Lead: the tone I used in my reimagined cover

    Scenes 2 to 5 - tones inspired by the legendary tune 'Cry For You', in different variations

    Scene 6 - The Prayer / The Answer: more rounded crunchy lead for max expression

    Scene 7 - Super 70's Rhythm: punchy crunch tone for classic rock rhythm

    Scene 8 - Here Lies The Heart: delicate atmospheric lead with ambience surrounding it

  • Compatible with FM3 FM9 AXE-FX3
  • Firmware Version 8.00 or upper
  • Hi-quality guitar tones
  • Guitar tones ready to play 
  • Load via editor
  • Info PDF presets and general infos
  • presets meticulously edited by Niccolò Passarelli
  • Always keep your device updated to the latest version available online!
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