Van Halen Guitar Presets & IR for BOSS GT-1000 and CORE Liveplayrock Tones

Van Halen Guitar Presets & IR for BOSS GT-1000 and CORE Liveplayrock Tones

Van Halen guitar presets and impulse responses (IR) for BOSS GT-1000 and BOSS GT-1000 CORE, created by Liveplayrock. Get the legendary brown sound with custom amp modeling and effects, perfect for rock and metal guitarists. Dial in the iconic tones of Eddie Van Halen with high-gain leads, crunchy rhythms, and dynamic clean tones. Play like a legend! Eruption, Jump, Panama, Hot for Teacher, Ain’t Talkin’ ’Bout Love. #VanHalen #GuitarPresets #Liveplayrock #BOSSGT1000

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