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Gary Moore Fractal FM3 FM9 Axe-Fx III presets

Gary Moore Fractal FM3 FM9 Axe-Fx III presets

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Gary Moore | Fractal Audio System | FM3 FM9 AXE FX 3
Guitar pack “in the style of”
with impulse responses

Compatible with FM3 FM9 AXE-FX 3 devices


  • Tot.10 presets “in the style of” with 2 impulse responses custom:
  • GM got blues:
    Still got the blues style
    GM loner:
    The Loner styleGM by myself rhythm:
    Walking by myself style rhythmGM by myself solo:
    Walking by myself style soloGM Clean mod:
    A clean tone with modulations, great for Gary style arpeggios and ballads.
    GM break up everything:
    If you were asked to play all the parts of multiple Gary songs with one tone…you would probably use this.
    GM dirty arp:
    To use as an arpeggio full of dynamics to be dosed well, lowering the volume pot might help.
    GM heavy rhythm
    An aggressive distorted rhythmic sound.
    GM strato got blues:
    The classic still got blues theme sound but with a stratocaster?
    Preset attempts to emulate the warm, round sound of a paf in neck position.
    I recommend using and closing your stratocaster style tone as needed and try using the middle pickup.
    GM got blues modern solo:
    A more modern paste for this timeless solo.
    More gain, more effects and more sustain perfect for modern playing.
  • Included 2 custom IR (left and right) to be loaded on every preset
  • Firmware 4.01 FM3 or upper
  • Compatible with FM3 FM9 AXE-FX 3
  • Hi-quality tones
  • Guitar tones ready to play
  • Info PDF presets and general infos
  • Always keep your device updated to the latest version available online!
  • Make sure your firmware is compatible.
  • Creator Alessio Pierini
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